Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Parents of Preemies Day! (and a long overdue update)

It's been a while since I've been able to post and update, and I apologize for that... but it's been crazy around here since Autumn finally came home! That's right, after 166 days in NICU we're HOME! She turned 6 months old on April 23, and she's doing great. She had a G-Tube placed while they did her fundoplication surgery (more on that in a later post), and we hope to have the G-Tube removed this month! That's such a HUGE milestone for us! Coming home was an even bigger one! It's surprising how different the "milestones" are with a preemie... so many more little things are such huge steps.

But onto the main topic of this post... I know everyone has heard of Mother's day, right? and Father's day? But did anyone know that there's a day for Preemie Parents, specifically? May 4th is Parents of Preemies Day!

 During our NICU stay, I saw so many moms with healthy, chunky, happy babies celebrating milestones like sitting up, talking, and rolling over... of course, all of their friends "liked" these posts and shared in their joy. Meanwhile, I sat in a place that I wish no family ever had to see, learned terms no parent should have to know, and discussed calmly with the nurses "she's not turning blue, my baby can't be having a desaturation". I could diagnose and react almost as fast as the doctors and nurses. I had nurses call me their "honorary night shifter". The milestones we celebrated were a little different...

  • 2 Days Old- When Autumn should have been going home, we celebrated that she was still alive.
  • 1 Month Old - When she should have been cooing, starting tummy time, and discovering her hands, we were ecstatic that she made it through heart surgery!
  • 2 Months - She should have been smiling, laughing, and reaching for objects, we JUMPED FOR JOY that Autumn was off the ventilator!
  • 4 Months - We should have been enjoying that Autumn could hold her head up and was turning towards our voices, we were happy she could breathe all by herself!
  • 5 Months - When other parents were bragging that their baby could sit up, we were FINALLY taking ours HOME!
I see parents starting solids now, while we just focus on finding a bottle that Autumn can eat from effectively. The world of preemie parents is so different. It's so scary and strange, but so beautiful and awe inspiring too. But sometimes, I feel like Preemie Parents just get bunched into the mix of all the other parents. While parenthood in itself is hard, Preemie Parenthood comes with a whole other set of challenges. The first week we were home, we had 3 doctors appointments. The next week, 4 more. This week, 2 more. Parents of Preemies Day gives Preemie Parents a chance to celebrate exactly what we and our families have overcome and how miraculous the journey was, but most importantly, we can celebrate how beautiful it is to have been given the privilege to bear witness to one of God's greatest gifts in the midst of its making. Our babies may have come a bit ahead of our schedule, but in reality, they were right on time. They arrived exactly when they were meant to. 

If you know someone who has been through the NICU journey with a Preemie, celebrate with them on May 4th. Celebrate with us all. This journey really wears parents down, and can make us feel isolated. Sometimes, the best gift you can give is the gift of love, friendship, and understanding. Let them tell you their story if they want, or even just brag about their little miracle. Parents of Preemies Day events are hosted in many locations, maybe even stop by your local NICU and share some love. A helping hand can make all the difference when you feel like you're losing grip. 

Here's the link to the Parents of Preemies Day website